Wednesday 18 August 2010

What's the time?

Today i was window shopping at "ETSY" , soon I'll have my handmade wallets i make for sale there so i was having a look at what nice things i could buy from there. I love watches so i was having a look for one and i came across to a fantastic little shop that make watches and guess what...they had bunny watches so i thought to show them to you too. They are a bit expensive but if you think of the work they put to make it and the fact that they are unique it worth the money. Here is the link to the shop and to those watches: and here's a photo of them....

Thursday 12 August 2010

Bunny Necklace!!!

Hi everyone, sorry for the big break but i was having my summer vacation (or at least tried to) so to make up for it, this is a double post! One of my latest jewlery i have, is this bunny necklace. The reason that i liked it so much to get it (appart from the price) was because the shape was a bit different than the usuall. And also some decorative bunnies i saw the other day. Enjoy :D