Thursday 28 April 2011

Don't scare the hare!

Two teams take part in puzzles and physical games in which they have to avoid the booby-traps that will "scare" an animatronic hare.
The mirror news paper says about the show:

Game show Don't Scare The Hare should have been on at 9.30am in the summer holidays.
"I'm Jason and I live in a magic forest with my mate the hare. So pop down. We're always here," declared Jason Bradbury, an ancient children's presenter dressed in black, 'wacky' glasses and a cap....."The contestants can earn themselves a phenomenal amount of British pounds."
With only 15,000 British pounds at stake, it was hard to care who won - unlike Push The Button.
The games had none of the peril or surreal hilarity of Hole in The Wall.
Even the catchphrase didn't work. "Oh no the hare is scared!" Jason trembled, even when the hare was asleep.
The idiots playing might have enjoyed themselves but even toddlers would have found the games dull and Jason creepy.

That was just a taste of what I've been reading about it. Apparently not many people liked it. For me for the little I watched it didn't impress me. I am not too keen on game shows. The contestants have to do a lot to impress me in order for me to actually sit and watch them. It looked like a mum and dad special of a kid's show witch means games for kids but played by adults.

Note: If you have problems with the video. Tell me so I can change it. Youtube is notorious of his regional blocks

Monday 11 April 2011

Irregular Choice Accessories Spring 2011

Winter just gone, spring has sprung and very soon is Easter time which means bunny themed products are back! Now is this time of the year that we start buying new clothes preparing for the good weather that is starting to slowly crawl in to our lives. So I was checking my facebook as usual in the morning and I saw a friend making a comment to someone's photo of a very nice shoe. And that person told my friend that the brand is called Irregular Choice! I went to their website to have a look and I fell in LOVE!!!! Here is the bunny theme products I found! For the first round I'm going to put the accessories and on later date I'll talk about the shoes. Enjoy!

Saturday 11 September 2010

Evil singing bunny!!!!!

Song: When you're evil
Artist: Voltaire

Monday 6 September 2010

Bunnies in advertisements.

Bunnies have always been on advertisements and not only during Easter. Lots of people know about the Duracell bunny but few have seen the counter-advertisement by Energizer. Some of them are funny, some silly and some is some posters and television adds that bunnies part of them.

Wednesday 18 August 2010

What's the time?

Today i was window shopping at "ETSY" , soon I'll have my handmade wallets i make for sale there so i was having a look at what nice things i could buy from there. I love watches so i was having a look for one and i came across to a fantastic little shop that make watches and guess what...they had bunny watches so i thought to show them to you too. They are a bit expensive but if you think of the work they put to make it and the fact that they are unique it worth the money. Here is the link to the shop and to those watches: and here's a photo of them....

Thursday 12 August 2010

Bunny Necklace!!!

Hi everyone, sorry for the big break but i was having my summer vacation (or at least tried to) so to make up for it, this is a double post! One of my latest jewlery i have, is this bunny necklace. The reason that i liked it so much to get it (appart from the price) was because the shape was a bit different than the usuall. And also some decorative bunnies i saw the other day. Enjoy :D

Friday 16 July 2010

Bunny bread!!!!

Once again I was bored and found myself watching random videos. One of them was about egg facial treatment. The girl in the video was using a bit of an egg to treat her face and after that she made an omelete with the leftovers. While she was cooking she put two slices of bread to toast and she mentioned that the brand name was "Bunny Bread". When i heard it I tried to find an image from it so I can show it to you. Also from the official website I found the bread's song. Here they are.....

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