Saturday 11 September 2010

Evil singing bunny!!!!!

Song: When you're evil
Artist: Voltaire

Monday 6 September 2010

Bunnies in advertisements.

Bunnies have always been on advertisements and not only during Easter. Lots of people know about the Duracell bunny but few have seen the counter-advertisement by Energizer. Some of them are funny, some silly and some is some posters and television adds that bunnies part of them.

Wednesday 18 August 2010

What's the time?

Today i was window shopping at "ETSY" , soon I'll have my handmade wallets i make for sale there so i was having a look at what nice things i could buy from there. I love watches so i was having a look for one and i came across to a fantastic little shop that make watches and guess what...they had bunny watches so i thought to show them to you too. They are a bit expensive but if you think of the work they put to make it and the fact that they are unique it worth the money. Here is the link to the shop and to those watches: and here's a photo of them....

Thursday 12 August 2010

Bunny Necklace!!!

Hi everyone, sorry for the big break but i was having my summer vacation (or at least tried to) so to make up for it, this is a double post! One of my latest jewlery i have, is this bunny necklace. The reason that i liked it so much to get it (appart from the price) was because the shape was a bit different than the usuall. And also some decorative bunnies i saw the other day. Enjoy :D

Friday 16 July 2010

Bunny bread!!!!

Once again I was bored and found myself watching random videos. One of them was about egg facial treatment. The girl in the video was using a bit of an egg to treat her face and after that she made an omelete with the leftovers. While she was cooking she put two slices of bread to toast and she mentioned that the brand name was "Bunny Bread". When i heard it I tried to find an image from it so I can show it to you. Also from the official website I found the bread's song. Here they are.....

Upload Music

Sunday 4 July 2010

Finally I got it!!!!

Since easter i wanted to get an egg warmer i found in a shop wich had a bunny shape (what else) recently i went to that shop to just have a look to see if they got anything new and there i saw the last one just sitting on a plate. As soon as i saw it I got it. I think it was ment to have one. Here it is:

Thursday 29 April 2010

Say hi to Kuneli

Today while I was going through some photos of mine, I found these so I though you might enjoy them.This is "Kuneli" .......

I got sooooo lucky with this one, somehow i managed to get him with his tognue out

Thursday 22 April 2010

Do you like?

Recently i got a new phone, yes i managed to convice my dad to spend his bonus from the contract with vodafone on me again :D, and i really wanted on of those dangly thingies that you put on the phone. So yesterday i went to see a friend of mine. She had a presentation at her college and went with her for support but in the end I ended up staying outside and wait for her for 2 hours. Anyway....when she finished before we leave we went to college's main building which is full with little stand that people sell or promote stuff and one of the had jewlery. My friend wanted to stop and look there because she saw a pair of earings that she liked. While i was looking around trying to find something nice for me I saw that bunny keyring that has that hoop so you can have it dangling from the phone, although it was almost the same size with the phone, it was love at first site! I was scared to ask the price. Usually when i like something that much tends to be a bit (most of the times A LOT) more that i can afford, but i asked the question. For my surprize it was only 3 euros. As soon as i heard the number the person that was selling the things didn't even finished the word "euro", i said "I'LL GET IT!!!" with a big smile on my face. Some other girls apparently wanted it but they were too slow, by the time to deside what to get I was already paying for it. :D

Monday 19 April 2010

Fancy a Coffee?

Hi again. Today my boyfriend came across on the web this cup of coffee. It was from a Japanese blog but unfortunatelly this picture was a survivor from deleted part of it so i couldn't get the backstory. I won't leave you like this though. This type is called coffee art and it's usually made with latte or cappuccino and it's the result from drawing on the foam. It's ment to be quite difficult to make especially with the latte due to the consistency of the espresso and the way you puring the milk. I've never tried to do it my self, i just stayed at cutting paper and making stencils with powder chocolate on top of cappuccino. If you decide to do though something like that...Good Luck!

Saturday 17 April 2010

Bunny Crisps :D

This one is one of my favourites. My dad was away for few days and on the day he was gonna come back, I went to the supermarket to get some snacks. He loves to munch at night in front of the telly. ( :P ) While I was trying to deside what crisps should I get for him I saw at the top shelves these crisps. I had to buy them! And i did. Unfortunately their taste wasn't great. but they weren't bad either though. They were so so. But still the fact that I found bunny shaped crisps was great! :D

Bunny Bag!!!

Another day out, another coffee. Three girls stepping into the magical world of "ACCESORIZE". Every time I step into this shop I want to buy almost everything. (Like any other shop you'll always find something you don't like.) The item you see in those photos it's the cutest bag ever! Although it was at the kids section I wouldn't mind using it. Unfortunatelly that day I didn't had enough money on me to get it. Damn ressesion.

Bunny keychains

The next day from the previous post I went as I said to say the final goodbye to my friend. I met her at the city center and we decided to find a place to sit down and have a coffee. While we were walking she started to stop to shops and look around for stuff, and in the end we only had 30 mins before she goes, so instead we got an ice cream and sat at a bench. In one of those shops they were selling some really cool stuff and my friend wanted to buy a hair dryer from ther. I was waiting for her to decide if she was going to get it or not and at the same time I was looking for things for me. I knew I could find a bunny item and I did. Thankfully the shopkeeper was nice enough to let me take a picture of those bunny keychains.

Bunny decorated shoes

One day i went to a friend's house to see her, because the next day was going to leave my city (Thessaloniki)and go to live to Athens. Although we had arranged to see her before she goes to the airport the next day, she told me to come over for one last coffee at her house. She took me upstairs to her room and atelier. I never saw the atelier before so while I was looking around I saw those shoes. I asked her how much she paid for it because I saw them the weekend before during something like a car boot sale for 5 euros and she paid somewhere between 10-15. I should have got them. :S

Decorative rabbit

Near my house there is a shop with decorative items, the items they sell are much more nicer than their prices. So one day, while i was going home i stoped at the window because they had a poster celebrating their 5 year anniversary and because of it they had lowered their prices. While i was trying to find something interesting and at the same time affordable (they had a set of candles that they looked like stones and pebles you find in your garden, they were beautifull but the a set of 10 costs 40 euros with the discount) I looked down and I saw this bunny. Unfortunatelly there wasn't a price on it and i didn't dare to go in and ask.

Cake Decoration Bunnies

First post...yay!!!

Anyway one day me and my dad went out to the supermarket to get some essentials for the house. While i was browsing the shelves i came i across with a selection of marzipan cake decorations. In the beggining i saw the typical flowers and such but while i was trying to find something more interesting i saw this set of bunnies. I love finding treasures like this! ^_^